Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Very First Blog Award

Yolie just awarded me my very first blog award and I am so excited. It is the "Attitude Award". Thank you so much Yolie, you are the absolute best. I am supposed to list 3 things that make me different from everyone else and nominate 5 blogs. This was so hard but I finally got it together.

3 things that make me different:

1. I am soon to have 4 generations living under the same roof. (My parents, hubby and me, our daughter and our 2+1 grandchildren) :-)

2. I am Joan's daughter, Tara's mother, and Bryce, Kylie and baby bear's Oma.

3. I drink soda like it's water.

5 blogs that I would like to nominate:

1. Mandie's Scrappin'

2. Made by Momo

3. Inking It Up Carzy

4. Jenny K. Scrappin' Addict

5. Deanna's Papercrafts

I hope you all like your awards. You also have a chance to qualify for a $5.00 gift certificate so hop over and check it out HERE.
Thank you all for being such great ladies, crafters and bloggers. You are such an awesome inspiration.


  1. Oh my goodness - thank you so much for the award! I so appreciate it and hope to inspire. I am taking a look around at your blog now!

    Jenny Kozar

  2. Thanks so much for the blog award, it is greatly appreciated. I am in the middle of a personal crisis so I apologize that I can't follow all the steps right now. I appreciate you following my blog and hope you continue to do so. Thanks again.



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