Friday, November 16, 2012

3 Girl JAM Challenge 7

Has everone been mapping out their Black Friday routes? I will be at work so if anyone is interested in buying a sewing/embroidery machine come on over for a visit or give me a shout out and I will hook you up for Christmas.

With Thanksgiving just under a week away we want to see all those Thanksgiving projects with just a bit of a twist. We want you to use these beautiful Fall colors.
For my project I used 3 Girl JAM "Merlot" and "Sterling" crinkle ribbon.
The adorable Bingo Card, Frame and Background Paper are from our Challenge 7 sponsor "The Cutting Cafe"
Now head over to the 3 Girl JAM challenge blog and link up your Thanksgiving projects.

The winner for this challenge will receive 3 files from our sponsor.
The Cutting Cafe
a ribbon bundle from
3 Girl JAM


  1. I really like the way you laid out this card. Gorgeous!


  2. Wish I could pull something together as beautiful as this in a "jiffy"! It is truly wonderful and so Thanksgiving-esque!!!

  3. I love bingo cards!

    Isn't that Merlot ribbon just scrumptious?


I do a happy dance for comments!